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Student Support

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Teachers and others in the building intervene early on when students show a skill deficit or misconception. We use a collection of student work and a partnership with parents to determine the right next step for each student.

Jeffco MTSS Infographic. There are six parts to MTSS: Shared Leadership, Universal screening and progress monitoring, data-based decision making, layered continuum, evidence-based practices, and Family, school and community partnering.


Sources of Support

What I Need (WIN) groups, also known as using a learner-centered approach, are scheduled into the day to provide an opportunity for students to receive targeted small-group instruction based on data. These groups are used to provide more depth or challenge, as well as to provide reteaching and additional practice.

Mental Health Supports

Wilmot Elementary promotes a safe, positive learning environment by supporting mental health.

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Transitioning from Middle School

Resources are available for Wilmot Elementary students and families as they transition from middle school.

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Student Records & Transcripts

Jeffco students and families can access official records and transcripts.

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