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Special Education

Wilmot offers special education services to students in preschool through fifth grade. Students who qualify for special education services have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to support their learning and remove barriers to success and growth. 

Special Education Services

The Wilmot Elementary special education team works in collaboration with classroom teachers and parents to support students who have or need an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Based on a body of evidence and evaluation data, the team, including the parents, determines if the student meets the eligibility criteria for one or more disabilities established by the state of Colorado and Jeffco Public Schools.

Once it is determined that a student qualifies for special education services, the Individualized Education Program is developed. Students receive both specialized instruction by appropriate providers, as well as accommodations to ensure they have equal access to content and instruction. 

Students receive services both within and outside of the general education setting to meet their individual needs. The special education team works diligently to ensure that students are educated within the “least restrictive environment.” This means that students have access to core instruction within the regular classroom setting and they are with their grade-level peers as much as possible while still receiving the services and support they need to develop and reach their full potential.

Wilmot staff wearing matching ASD Support shirts.

Special Education in Jeffco

Special Education in Jeffco shapes a future where every student can succeed, learn and grow. In the heart of our community, the Special Education department is a cornerstone, ensuring that students with disabilities are supported on their journey to reach their full potential.

Meet Wilmont's Special Education Team