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Meet the Principal

Stephany Fritz

Stephany Fritz

Principal Elementary (215)

Dear Wonderful Wilmot Parents,

Wilmot is an extraordinary place – you can feel it as soon as you walk in! We strive to provide a warm and welcoming environment for students and families to nurture students' growth academically, socially, and emotionally. Our staff consistently goes the extra mile because we care deeply about our students, our community, and one another. I’ve been privileged to serve this community in various roles for over 20 years, and I am honored to be the leader of this amazing school.

My husband and I have been members of the mountain community for 24 years, and we have three children who attended Wilmot. They see many of the current and former teachers and staff as extensions of our family. Everyone in our family loves animals! We have four dogs and three cats at home, and we seek out opportunities to be in nature and see animals as often as possible.

This is my 23rd year at Wilmot and my 26th year in education. I would like to share some of my beliefs as an educator and leader. I believe in shared leadership and meaningful collaboration with all members of the school community. You can expect to see me reaching out to encourage parents to share their voices through our PTA and Wilmot Council, volunteer in the building, and attend special events like Bandana Day. You can also expect me to involve our dedicated teachers and staff in all important decisions that impact our community.

I believe in finding the right balance of challenge and support for each of our learners and ensuring that their experience is relevant, engaging, and personalized. You can expect our staff to provide personalized feedback to your student, use formative and summative data points to gauge their progress and determine the right next instructional steps, and design engaging lessons based on high expectations for your student’s growth and achievement.

I believe in supporting the development of the whole child. You can expect the staff at Wilmot to engage with your child in ways that make them feel known and connected to the school community. Research shows that when children feel connected to at least one caring adult outside of their family, it supports their growth and happiness across all domains.

You can also expect to see me and all the staff at Wilmot modeling and expecting our students to demonstrate our values of generosity, integrity, responsibility, and respect. Learning and practicing these fundamental skills helps nurture our school culture and prepares students to be successful in life.

One of my favorite activities is greeting students by name as they arrive each morning. I enjoy welcoming new families to Wilmot and connecting with students and families that I’ve known for years.


In partnership, 

Stephany Fritz's Signature